6 Fun Fitness Facts

Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year. Being healthy; eating healthy foods and exercising regularly are challenges for almost everyone. It's tough to find the time and motivation to devote to a healthy diet and workout routine, and to balance those factors with other activities. However, the mental and physical benefits of following a healthy lifestyle are significant, and the bottom line is that consistently healthy choices lead to a longer life.

Of course there are lots of ways to stay healthy, but these six fun fitness facts can help you improve your daily living or just pique your health interest.

1.Did you know that actively playing with your kids or grandkids can burn as many calories as a brisk walk?

2.If you are unable to carry on a comfortable conversation when you’re working out, you might be overdoing it. Slow down a bit and you might actually end up maximising your workout.

3. Listening to music while exercising can enhance workout performance by 15%.

4.For every hour of exercise you do, you could live two hours longer, even if you don’t start working out until you are middle aged!

5.After turning 30, we begin to lose lean muscle mass each year. To combat this lift weights 2-3 times per week. It will help prevent those shrinking muscles from turning to fat.

6.To burn the most fat, target your large muscle groups like those in the rear end (buttex), thigh and chest regions. Your whole body will benefit.


Priya and Anita at Byron Bay

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