About The Martial Way Website
If you are here, it is because we share a common interest in martial arts – continuously trying to develop ourselves both Physically and Psychologically (P'n'P), so I welcome you to my website.
Disclaimer: I would like to emphasise that the contents of this website are not ‘the gospel truth’, nor am I claiming to have all the answers – far from it. I am simply expressing my honest opinion, as well as knowledge and experience obtained throughout many years of my martial arts journey.
This website will predominantly focus on:
- Shōtōkan
- Muay Thai
- Fitness and Health
While I recognise that many martial arts clubs and organisations have started to modify the traditional teaching to keep up with our modern lifestyle, The Martial Way focuses on the core fundamentals and traditions of Shōtōkan Karate. A good student should be able to integrate both the old and the new teachings in order to be a well balanced practitioner.
Whatever point you are at in your martial arts journey, I hope the contents of this website are of value to you. If the information presented here helps out one genuine martial artist, then it has been a worthwhile effort.
"There is a difference between knowing the path & walking the path" - Morpheus
As I'm sure you can understand, a website like this, not to mention its infrastructure requires an investment of both time and money.
When I began this project I quickly realised how difficult it was to find comprehensive information about Shōtōkan Karate on the one site. I am doing my best to connect and work alongside other organisations and institutions so everyone can benefit from free, easily accessible, and accurate information – "Knowledge is Power!".
I am always very grateful for any support, and there are lots of ways in which you can get involved to ensure this site continues to grow and information can be shared. For instance, you can...
- Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or YouTube.
- Forward my link to friends or family to help extend its global reach.
- Share your thoughts and ideas by submitting an article via email.
- Make a small donation to:
- Name: The Martial Way
- BSB: 062 293
- Account No.: 1035 6067
- Recommend this site on other social media sites.
- Provide suggestions/feedback via email for continual improvement.
Any support from website visitors is always appreciated and all funds generated will be used to help further develop this website – Thank you kindly!

Dōmo arigatō
Our mind is the most powerful tool in the human body and consists of both the conscious and subconscious parts. All actions begin in the mind. By being consciously aware of our thoughts we can create a Right Thought process which can then lead to Right Action. By repetition in our training we can create a thought-action sequence that is so efficient that it almost appears involuntary.
Your body is like a temple that holds your mind. It is really important that we respect our body so it can provide the support our mind needs to learn and develop. The practice of martial arts as been shown to provide a number of physical benefits such as improving body balance and co-ordination, flexibility and agility, strength, fitness and endurance.
Spirit comes from having the right attitude and behaviour. These include being humble, having a willingness to learn, recognising your weaknesses and taking action to correct them, perseverance, and being willing to make sacrifices in order to prioritise your training.