Category Archives: Karate

Never Quit!

The phrase "Never Quit" can mean different things to different people, but at its core, it suggests perseverance and determination in the face of adversity. In this article, we'll explore some of the reasons why it's important to never give up on your goals and dreams, and how this mindset can help you achieve success…
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Why Strength and Cardio is essential to Karate?

Overall, Strength and Cardio training are essential to karate as they help to improve power, speed, flexibility, balance, performance, injury prevention, mental focus, and self-defense skills. Strength and cardio are essential to karate for several reasons: [dropcap]1.[/dropcap] [extra_wrap] Power and Speed: Karate techniques such as strikes, kicks, and blocks require power and speed to be…
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Kata, Kihon and Kumite in Shotokan Karate

Kata, Kihon, and Kumite are three important elements of Shotokan Karate training. These three elements of Shotokan Karate training work together to develop well-rounded martial artists who possess strong technical skills, mental focus, and physical fitness. [dropcap]1.[/dropcap] [extra_wrap] Kata Kata are pre-arranged patterns of movements that simulate self-defense against multiple attackers. These movements are performed…
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The Four C’s in Sports

The Four C's in sports generally refers to the four core values or principles of sportsmanship: Commitment, Concentration, Confidence, and Control. These values are often emphasised in sports programs and are considered important for the development of athletes both on and off the field. Here is a brief explanation of each of these C's: [dropcap]1.[/dropcap]…
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Goals and stepping out of Comfort Zone

Karate is a discipline that requires dedication, hard work, and commitment. To truly master the art of karate, one must be willing to push themselves to their limits and constantly strive for improvement. The quote, "If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done," is…
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Can Karate be part of Life?

Karate can be a way of life because it encompasses not only physical training, but also mental and spiritual development. In this sense, Karate can be integrated into various aspects of daily life, and can be seen as a holistic practice that can help individuals to improve themselves in many ways. One way Karate can…
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Failure and what can we learn from it?

Failure is an inevitable part of life, and it is something that we all must face at some point. While failure can be difficult and painful, it is also a valuable learning tool that can help us to develop character and be successful. One of the key things that we can take from failure is…
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