Karate is a martial art that aims to develop not only physical skills but also mental and moral character. The practice of karate can help to build character in several ways. One way karate aims to build character is through discipline and self-control. Karate training requires practitioners to follow strict rules and protocols, and to…
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Zen in Shotokan Karate
Zen is a form of Buddhism that emphasizes meditation and mindfulness as a means of achieving spiritual enlightenment. In Shotokan Karate, the incorporation of Zen principles can have several benefits for practitioners. One of the main benefits of Zen in Shotokan Karate is that it can help practitioners to develop mental focus and concentration. Zen…
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First two knuckles when Punching

In karate, the use of the first two knuckles when punching is considered optimal for a number of reasons. Here are some of the main benefits: Power generation: The first two knuckles are stronger and less prone to injury compared to the other knuckles, and generate more power in a punch. Accuracy: When punching with…
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Why I enjoy teaching Shotokan Karate
There are many reasons why a I enjoy teaching Shotokan Karate. Here are a few possible reasons: Shotokan Karate is a traditional and well-respected style of karate: Shotokan Karate is one of the original and most popular styles of karate in the world. It is known for its powerful and dynamic techniques, as well as…
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Power and Strength in Karate
Power and strength are two different physical attributes that are essential for martial artists, particularly those practicing karate. Understanding the difference between the two, as well as their pros and cons, can help martial artists to optimise their training and achieve success in competitions. Power: Power is the ability to generate force quickly. It is…
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Breathwork Activity – Box Breathing

Relaxation techniques can be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. These techniques can also improve focus, mental acuity, and performance at work, or even aid in preparing for sleep. One such technique, called Box Breathing, can help you slow your breathing and achieve a state of focus and concentration without stress. It works…
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Kihon Jiyu Ippon Kumite

1 attack, 1 time defence with counterattack (both partners are on the move) The attacker says which attack comes and starts the attack after the defender has confirmed the technique. The counterattack is given after the defence. Drill performed by Kurihara Kzuaki and Ryosuke Shimizu [dropcap]1.[/dropcap] [extra_wrap] Jodan Attacking side: From kamae, announce “Jodan!” and on…
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