Category Archives: Karate

Remove Blood Stains in Karategi

Tips to remove blood stains in the karategi either because of tough competition or strong training, injuries or friction can occur therefore causing slight bleeding. When the blood stain is Immediate, the sooner the care is givien to your gi, the quicker this stain can be removed. Immediately wash with cold water. Plenty of very…
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Folding the Karategi

Traditionally known as a dogi,  the karategi was adopted from Judo’s judogi by Master Gichin Funakoshi. The judogi is a little heavier material and made in a weaved pattern for durability. Funakoshi changed the gi so it would be lighter and removed the weave pattern. The uniform includes the uwagi (jacket), zubon (pants) and obi (belt). Your gi should be folded after cleaning and after use. There are…
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Washing Karate Belt

Some people feel you should never wash a Karate belt (Obi), especially a "yūdansha" (black belt grade). This thought is do with the Karate tradition, honour, respect, dedication to achieve the belt, however this will be a matter of personal preference and hygiene. Belts should not need washing as often as the karategi. Read more…
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Wash Karategi

It is everyone's duty to keep a good personal presentation, both out of respect for the dojo and our colleagues, and also for the care of our uniform. Here we give some simple tips for the care of the karategi. Respect for our dojo and for others, also goes through good personal hygiene and care of…
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JKA Basic Shotokan Karate

There are 3 basic elements to good Karate; Kihon (basic techniques), Kata (training exercises with predetermined moves), and Kumite (sparring). These 3 key foundations are also referred to as 3 K's.

Many Karate specialists say that Kumite is the spirit of Karate and Kata is the soul, but without your Kihon neither can exist. Thus an equal amount of attention must be given to all 3 basic elements in your training.

When Shōtōkan was being developed, Master Funakoshi's key area of focus was Kata and character building. With the help of his son Gigō Funakoshi, Kihon was then created to better understand Kata fundamentals and to make it easier to teach the complexities of Katas. Although Master Gichin Funakoshi did not encourage Kumite, he later allowed his son to develop this last element.

Karate Belt (Obi)

The colours in the belt ranking system signify Growth in Knowledge. The order and colours of karate belts differ in different karate styles. Gichin Funakoshi adopted the belt ranking system and philosophical concepts from Judo. Originally, the white belt was simply dyed to a new colour. This repeated dying process dictated the type of belt colour and…
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JKA Self-defence Techniques

You’re alone on a city street at night, the prey of an attacker determined to do you in. Without a hint of fear, he approaches you, demanding your money and threatening your life. Will you surrender and add your name to his list of victims? Or will you maintain control, fight back and turn the situation to your advantage?

Grapplers, Thai boxers and mixed-martial arts enthusiasts claim their techniques can help you escape such deadly confrontations — and they’re right. But they’re not your only options. Traditional arts such as Shotokan Karate can help you repel an attacker just as effectively.

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