Kihon Jiyu Ippon Kumite

1 attack, 1 time defence with counterattack (both partners are on the move)

The attacker says which attack comes and starts the attack after the defender has confirmed the technique. The counterattack is given after the defence.

Drill performed by Kurihara Kzuaki and Ryosuke Shimizu


Attacking side: From kamae, announce “Jodan!” and on your own time attack the opponent oi-tsuki, and hold the technique
Defending side: Whenever you are attacked, block with Age-uke, and immediately counter and kiai

Attacking side: From kamae, announce “Chudan!” and on your own time attack the opponent
Defending side: Whenever you are attacked, block with Soto-uke, and immediately counter and kiai

Mae Geri
Attacking side: From kamae, announce “Mae geri!” and on your own time attack the opponent chudan
Defending side: Whenever you are attacked, shift and block with Gedan-bari (you can shift outside the kick)

Yoko Geri Kekomi
Attacking side: From kamae, announce “Kekomi!” and on your own time attack the opponent side thrust kick
Defending side: Whenever you are attacked, shift to the outside of the kick and block with Soto-uke, immediately countering, and holding the final technique

Mawashi Geri
Attacking side: From kamae, announce "mawashi geri" and on your own time attack the opponent with a round house kick. Ensure you also announce Jodan or Chudan level attack
Defending side: Whenever you are attacked, shift to the outside of the kick and block with Uchi-uke, immediately countering, and holding the final technique

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