Shōtōkan Karate-Dō is based on the philosophy and concepts of Bushido and Zen. These concepts reflect the constant search for physical and mental. The term "Empty Hands" could even mean emptying the mind of all evil desires and vanities.
There are a set of guidelines which every practitioner should follow both in the dojo (training hall) and in everyday life.
Training hall rules
Training hall rules
These are ethical rules recited at the end of each Shōtōkan training session.
一、人格 完成に 努める こと
hitotsu, jinkaku kansei ni tsutomeru koto
Exert yourself in the perfection of character
hitotsu, makoto no michi o mamoru koto
Be faithful and sincere
hitotsu, doryoku no seishin o yashinau koto
Cultivate the spirit of perseverance
hitotsu, reigi o omonzuru koto
Respect propriety
hitotsu, kekki no yū o imashimuru koto
Refrain from impetuous and violent behaviour
Press Play below to listen Hiroyoshi Okazaki Sensei recite the Dojo-kun in Japanese
Niju Kun
Twenty Precepts of Shōtōkan Karate
Niju Kun
Twenty Precepts of Shōtōkan Karate
They represent the twenty instructions of Gichin Funakoshi.
Hitotsu, karate-do wa rei ni hajimari rei ni owaru koto o wasaru na
Karate-do begins and ends with bowing.
Hitotsu, karate ni sente nashi
There is no first strike in karate.
Hitotsu, karate wa, gi no tasuke
Karate stands on the side of justice.
Hitotsu, mazu onore o shire, shikashite ta o shire
First know yourself, then know others.
Hitotsu, gijitsu yori shinjitsu
Mentality over technique.
Hitotsu, kokoro wa hanatan koto o yosu
The heart must be set free.
Hitotsu, wazawai wa ketai ni seizu
Calamity springs from carelessness.
Hitotsu, dojo nomino karate to omou na
Karate goes beyond the dojo.
Hitotsu, karate-do no shugyo wa isssho de aru
Karate is a lifelong pursuit.
Hitotsu, ara yuru mono o karateka seyo; sokoni myomi ari
Apply the way of Karate to all things. Therein lies its beauty.
Hitotsu, karate Wa Yu No Gotoku Taezu Netsu O Atae Zareba Motono Mizuni Kaeru
Karate is like boiling water; without heat, it returns to its tepid state.
Hitotsu, katsu kangae wa motsuna; makenu kangae wa hitsuyo
Do not think of winning. Think, rather, of not losing.
Hitotsu, tekki ni yotte tenka seyo
Make adjustments according to your opponent.
Hitotsu, tattakai wa kyo-jitsu no soju ikan ni ari
The outcome of a battle depends on how one handles emptiness and fullness (weakness and strength).
Hitotsu, hi to no te-ashi wa ken to omoe
Think of hands and feet as swords.
Hitotsu, danshi mon o izureba hyakuman no teki ari
When you step beyond your own gate, you face a million enemies.
Hitotsu, kamae wa shoshinsha ni atowa shizentai
Formal stances are for beginners; later, one stands naturally.
Hitotsu, kata wa tadashiku, jisen wa betsumono
Perform prescribed sets of techniques exactly; actual combat is another matter.
Hitotsu, chikara no kyojaku tai no shinshuku waza no kankyu
Do not forget the employment of withdrawal of power, the extension or contraction of the body, the swift or leisurely application of technique.
Hitotsu, tsune ni shinen ku fu seyo
Be constantly mindful, diligent, and resourceful, in your pursuit of the Way.

Master Gichin Funakoshi