Kazu (Numbers)
Japanese | Phonetic | Kanji | English |
Kazu | kah-zoo | 数 | Numbers |
Rei | ray | 零 | Zero |
Ichi | eech | 一 | One |
Ni | nee | 二 | Two |
San | san | 三 | Three |
Shi (Yon) | she | 四 | Four |
Go | go | 五 | Five |
Roku | roke | 六 | Six |
Shichi (Nana) | seech | 七 | Seven |
Hachi | hach | 八 | Eight |
Ku | koo | 九 | Nine |
Ju | joo | 十 | Ten |
Ju Ichi | joo eech | 十一 | Eleven |
Ju Ni | joo nee | 十二 | Twelve |
Ju San | joo san | 十三 | Thirteen |
Ju Shi | joo she | 十四 | Fourteen |
Ju Go | joo go | 十五 | Fifteen |
Ju Roku | joo roke | 十六 | Sixteen |
Ju Shichi | joo seech | 十七 | Seventeen |
Ju Hachi | joo hach | 十八 | Eighteen |
Ju Ku | joo koo | 十九 | Nineteen |
Ni Ju | nee joo | 二十 | Twenty |
Ni Ju Ichi | nee joo eech | 二十一 | Twenty One |
San Ju | san joo | 三十 | Thirty |
Commands & Phrases
Japanese | Pronunciation | Kanji | English |
Arigato Gozaimasu | ah-ree-gah-toh goh-zai-mas | ありがとうございます | Thank You Very Much |
Do Itashimas'te | doh-ee-tash-ee-ma-she-tay | どういたしまして | You're Welcome |
Hajime | hah-jee-may | 始め | Begin |
Karate ni Sente Nashi | kah-rah-tay nee sen-tay nah-she | 空手に先手なし | There is no first attack in karate. |
Kawate | kah-wah-tay | | On Guard |
Kiotsuke | Kee-oh-skay | 気を付け | Attention! Stand up straight! |
Matte | mah-tay | 待って | Wait |
Mawatte | mah-wah-tay | 回って | Turn Around |
Mokuso | moh-koo-soh | 黙想 | Quiet Meditation |
Onegai Shimasu | oh-neh-guy-she-mas | お願いします | Please (Teach Me) |
Otagai ni | oh-tah-gah-ee nee | お互いに | Toward Each Other |
Otagai ni Rei | oh-tah-gah-ee nee ray | お互いに礼 | Bow to Each Other |
Otagai ni Taishi | oh-tah-gah-ee nee ta(i)-sh(e) | お互いに対し | Face Each Other |
Rei | ray | 礼 | Bow with Respect |
Sensei ni Rey | sen-say nee ray | 先生に礼 | Bow to the Teacher |
Sensei ni Taishi | sen-say nee ta(i)-sh(e) | 先生に対し | Face the Teacher |
Shomen ni Rei | shoh-men ni ray | 正面に礼 | Bow to the Front |
Shomen ni Taishi | shoh-men nee ta(i)-sh(e) | 正面に対し | Face the Front |
Shugo | shoo-go | 集合 | Line Up, Gather together |
Yame | yah-may | 止め | Stop |
Yoi | yoy | 用意 | Ready, Attention |
Miscellaneous Terms
Japanese | Pronunciation | Kanji | English |
Atemi | ah-teh-me | 当身 | Strike (Often to distract) |
Barai | Bah-rye | 払い | Sweep |
Bunkai | Boon-kai | 分解 | Application of Kata Techniques (lit. picking apart) |
Bushido | boo-she-doh | 武士道 | The Way of the Warrior |
Dai Ichi | die-eech | 第一 | The First |
Deshi | deh-she | 弟子 | Student, Pupil |
Dojo | doe-joe | 道場 | Place to Learn the Way |
Gi | ghee | 着 | Karate Uniform |
Goshin Jutsu | go-shin ju-tsoo | 護身術 | Self Defense Techniques |
Hai | hi | はい | Yes |
Hidari | hee-dah-ree | 左 | Left |
Iya | ee-yay | いいえ | No |
Jiyu Kumite | jee-yu koo-meh-tay | 自由組手 | Freestyle Sparring |
Kamiza | kah-me-zah | 上座 | Seat of Honor, Shrine |
Karateka | kah-rah-tay-kah | 空手家 | Karate Student |
Kiai | key-eye | 気合 | Spirit Yell |
Kihon | key-hon | 基本 | Basics |
Kokyu Ho | koh-kyu how | 呼吸法 | Breathing Methods |
Kumite | koo-meh-tay | 組手 | Sparring |
Makiwara | mah-kee-wah-rah | 巻藁 | Striking Board |
Migi | mee-gee | 右 | Right |
Obi | oh-bee | 帯 | Karate Belt |
Shiai | she-eye | 試合 | Sparring Match |
Tameshi Wari | Tah-meh-she wah-rhee | 試割り | Breaking (Boards, Bricks, etc.) |
Waza | wah-zah | 技 | Technique |
Yakusoku Kumite | yah-k(oo)-soh-koo koo-meh-tay | 約束組手 | Pre-arranged Sparring |
Body Parts
Japanese | Pronunciation | Kanji | English |
Ago | ah-goh | 顎 | Chin, Jaw |
Ashi | ah-she | 足 | Foot and/or Leg |
Atama | ah-tah-mah | 頭 | Head |
haisoku | hai-sow-koo | 背足 | Reverse Foot (Instep) |
Haito | hai-tow | 背刀 | Reverse Knife Hand (Ridge Hand) |
Hana | hah-nah | 鼻 | Nose |
Heiken | | 平券 | Flat Fist (Bear Paw) |
Hiji, Empi | hee-jee, em-pee | 肘, 猿臂 | Elbow |
hiraken | Hee-rah ken | 四本拳 | Four Finger Fist (Knuckles) |
Hiza | he-zah | 膝 | Knee |
Josokutei | joh-soh-koo-tay | 上足底 | Raised Sole |
Kakato | kah-kah-toe | 踵 | Heel |
Karada/shin-, -mi | kah-rah-dah/ shin-, -mi | 体, 身 | Body, prefix/suffix for Body |
Ken | ken | 拳 | Fist |
Koshi | koh-shee | 中足 | Middle Foot (Ball of Foot) |
Koshi | koh-she | 腰 | Hips |
Kubi | koo-bee | 首 | Neck |
Kumade | koo-mah-day | 熊手 | Bear Hand (Tiger Claw) |
Me | meh | 目 | Eye |
Mune | moo-neh | 胸 | Chest |
Nakadaka ken | Nah-kah dah-kah ken | 中指一本拳 | Middle Finger Fist (Knuckle) |
Nodo | noh-doe | 咽, 喉 | Throat |
Nukite | noo-key-tay | 貫手 | Spear Hand |
Oya-yubi Ippon-ken | Oiyah-yoo-bee ee-pohn ken | 親指一本拳 | Thumb Fist (Thumb Knuckle) |
Seiken | say-ken | 正拳 | Proper Fist, Straight Fist, (Front 2 Knuckle Punch) |
Shinkei | shin-keh | 神経 | Nerve |
Shuto | shoo-tow | 手刀 | Knife Hand |
Soku | soh-koo | 足 | Foot |
Sokutei | soh-koo-tay | 足底 | Sole of the Foot |
Sokuto | Soh-koo-toe | 足刀 | Foot Blade, Foot Edge |
Suigetsu | Soo-ee-geh-tsoo | 水月 | Solar Plexus (lit. Water Moon) |
Sune | su-nay | 脛 | Shin |
Te | tay | 手 | Hand |
Teisho | tay-show | 掌底 | Palm Heel |
Tekubi | tay-koo-bee | 手首 | Wrist |
Tettsui | teh-tsu-ee | 鉄槌 | Iron Hammer (Hammer Fist) |
Toriguchi | | 鶏口 | Chicken Beak (Finger Tips) |
Tsumasaki | tsoo-mah-sah-key | 爪先 | Tips of the Toes |
Ude | oo-day | 腕 | Forearm |
Uraken | oo-ra-ken | 裏拳 | Back Fist |
Wanto | wahn-tow | 腕刀 | Sword Arm (Side of forearm) |
Yubi | yoo-bee | 指 | Finger |
zenzoku | zen-zoh-koo | 前足 | Ball of Foot |
Dachi (Stances)
Japanese | Pronunciation | Kanji | English |
Tachi, -dachi | tah-chee, dah-chee | 立ち | Stance |
Fudo-dachi, Sochin-dachi, | foo-doe dah-chee, | 不動立 | Immovable Stance, |
Genkaku-dachi | ghen-kah-koo dah-chee | 厳鶴立 | Rigid Crane Stance |
Heiko-dachi | hay-koh dah-chee | 平行立 | Parallel Stance |
Heisoku-dachi | hay-sow-koo dah-chee | 閉足立 | Closed-foot Stance |
Iaigoshi-dachi | ee-ai go-she dah-chee | 居合腰立 | Kneeling Stance |
Ippon-ashi-dachi | ee-pohn ah-she-dah-chee | 一本足立 | One-leg Stance |
Jigotai-dachi | jih-go-tie dah-chee | | |
Kamae | kah-mah-eh | 構え | Fighting Posture, Take a Stance |
Kiba-dachi | key-bah dah-chee | 騎馬立 | Horse Riding Stance |
Kokutsu-dachi | koe-koo-tsu dah-chee | 後屈立 | Back-leg-bent Stance (lit. back-ducking Stance) |
Kosa-dachi | koe-sah dah-chee | 交差立 | Cross-leg Stance |
Kumite-dachi | koo-mih-tay dah-chee | 組手立 | Fighting Stance |
Moro-ashi-dachi | moh-row ah-she da-hchee | | |
Moto-dachi | moh-tow dah-chee | | |
Musubi-dachi | moo-sue-be dah-chee | 結立 | Heels Together Stance (lit. tying-together Stance) |
Naihanchi-dachi | nai-han-chee dah-chee | | |
Naname Zenkutsu-dachi | nah-nah-may zen-koo-tsue dah-chee | 斜め前屈立 | Slanted Front-leg-bent Stance (lit. Diagonal Front-ducking Stance) |
Nekoashi-dachi | neh-koh ah-she-dah-chee | 貓足立 | Cat Stance |
Sagi-ashi-dachi | sah-gee ah-she dah-chee | 鷺足立 | Heron Leg Stance |
Sanchin-dachi | sahn-chin dah-chee | 三戦立 | Hourglass Stance (lit. three-battles stance) |
Seisan-dachi | say-san dah-chee | 十三立 | Forward Stance |
Seiza | say-zah | 正座 | Sit/Kneel Quietly |
Shiko-dachi | she-koe dah-chee | 四股立 | Wide Open-leg Stance |
Shizentai-dachi | shih-zen-tie dah-chee | 自然体立 | Natural Stance |
Soto-Hachiji-dachi | soh-toh-hah-chee-jee dah-chee | 外八時立 | Open Natural Stance (feet point outward (外) at same angle as character for eight, 八) |
Tsuri-ashi-dachi | tsoo-ree ah-she dah-chee | 鶴足立 | Crane Leg Stance |
Zenkutsu-dachi | zen-koo-tsue dah-chee | 前屈立 | Front-leg-bent Stance (lit. Front-ducking Stance) |
Uke (Block)
Japanese | Pronunciation | Kanji | English |
Uke | oo-kay | 受 | Block |
Age-uke | ah-gay oo-kay | 上げ受 | Rising Block |
Chudan-soto-uke | chew-dahn so-toe oo-kay | 中段外受 | Middle Outward Bock |
Chudan-uchi-uke | chew-dahn oo-chee oo-kay | 中段内受 | Middle Inward Block |
Gedan-barai | geh-dahn bah-rye | 下段払い | Lower Sweeping Block |
Gedan-uke | geh-dahn oo-kay | 下段受 | Lower Level Block |
Haito-uke | hai-toh oo-kay | 背刀受 | Reverse Knife-hand Block |
Hangetsu-barai-uke | hahn-geh-tsue bah-rye oo-kay | 半月払受 | Half-moon Sweeping Block |
Hari-uke | hah-rae oo-kay | 払受 | Sweeping Block |
Hasami-uke | hah-sah-me oo-kay | 鋏受 | Scissor Block |
Hazushi-uke | hah-zoo-she oo-kay | 外受 | Removing Block |
Hiji-uke | he-jee oo-kay | 肘受 | Elbow Block |
Jodan-uke | joh-dahn oo-kay | 上段受 | Upper Level Block |
Kosa-uke | koe-sah oo-kay | 交差受 | Cross Block |
Magetori-barai-uke | mah-geh-toh-ree bah-rye oo-kay | 髷取 払受 | Rising Double Knife-hand Block (lit. Grabbing the Topknot Block) |
Makite-uke | mah-key-teh oo-kay | 巻手受 | Winding Knife-hand Block |
Morote-barai-uke | moh-row-teh bah-rye oo-kay | 諸手払受 | Augmented Lower Block |
Morote-soe-uke | moh-row-teh so-eh oo-kay | 諸手添受 | Augmented Forearm Block, Wedge Block |
Otoshi-uke | oh-toe-she oo-kay | 落受 | Dropping Block |
Sagurite-uke | sah-gu-ree-teh oo-kay | 探手受 | Searching-hand Block |
Sasae-uke | sah-sa-eh oo-kay | 支受 | Supported Forearm Block |
Sayu-barai-uke | sah-yoo bah-rye oo-kay | 左右払受 | Double Sweeping Block (lit. Left-right Sweeping Block) |
Shotei-uke | show-tay oo-kay | 掌底受 | Palm Heel Block |
Shuto-uke | shoe-toe oo-kay | 手刀受 | Knife Hand Block |
Torite-uke | toh-ree-teh oo-kay | 捕手受 | Grasping-hand Block |
Wari-uke | wah-rhee oo-kay | 割受 | Split Block |
Keri (Kick)
Japanese | Pronunciation | Kanji | English |
Keri | keh-ree | 蹴 | Kick |
Ashi-barai | ah-she bah-rye | 足払 | Leg Sweep |
Fukubu-geri | foo-koo-boo geh-ree | 腹蹴 | Abdomen Kick |
Hiza-geri | hee-zah geh-ree | 膝蹴 | Knee Kick |
Keage | key-ah-gay | 蹴上 | Snap |
Kekomi | key-ko-mee | 蹴込 | Thrust |
Kin-geri | keen geh-ree | 金的蹴 | Groin Kick |
Mae-geri | my-geh-ree | 前蹴 | Front Kick |
Mae-geri-kakato | my-geh-ree kah-kah-toe | 前蹴踵 | Front Kick with the Heel |
Maetobi-geri | my-toh-bee geh-ree | 前飛蹴 | Flying Front Kick |
Mawashi-geri | mah-wah-she-geh-ree | 廻蹴 | Round-house Kick with Top of Foot |
Mikazuki-geri | mee-kah-zoo-key geh-ree | 三日月蹴 | Crescent Kick |
Nidan-geri | nee-dahn geh-ree | 二段蹴 | Flying Front Kick, Two-level Kick |
Sokuto-geri | soh-koo-tow geh-ree | 足刀蹴 | Foot-edge Kick |
Ura mawashi-geri | oo-rah mah-wah-she geh-ree | 裏廻蹴 | Back Roundhouse Kick |
Ushiro-geri | oo-she-row-geh-ree | 後蹴 | Back Kick |
Yoko-geri | yoh-koh-geh-ree | 横蹴 | Side Kick |
Tsuki (Punch)
Japanese | Pronunciation | Kanji | English |
Tsuki, -zuki | tsoo-key, zoo-key | 突 | Punch (lit. Thrust) |
Age-zuki | ah-gay-zoo-key | 上げ突 | Rising Punch |
Chudan-zuki | choo-dahn zoo-key | 中段突 | Middle Level Punch |
Gedan-zuki | gey-dahn zoo-key | 下段突 | Lower Level Punch |
Gyaku-zuki | gya-koo zoo-key | 逆突 | Reverse Punch |
Ippon-ken | ee-pohn-ken | 一本拳 | One Knuckle Fist |
Ippon-ken Naka-daka | ee-pohn-ken-nah-kah-dah-kah | 一本拳中高 | Middle Knuckle Fist |
Jodan-zuki | joe-dahn zoo-key | 上段突 | Upper Level Punch |
Kaku-zuki | kah-koo zoo-key | 角突 | Square Punch |
Kakushi-zuki | kah-koo-shee zoo-key | 隠し突 | Hidden Fist Punch |
Morote-zuki | moh-row-tay zoo-key | 諸手突 | Augmented Punch |
Oi-zuki | oy-zoo-key | 追突 | Lunge Punch, Chasing Punch |
Sayu-zuki | sah-yoo zoo-key | 左右突 | Double Side Punch |
Tomoe-zuki | toh-mo-eh zoo-key | 巴突 | Circular Block and Punch |
Wari-uke-zuki | wah-ree oo-kay zoo-key | 割受突 | Split-block Punch |
Yubi (Finger)
Japanese | Pronunciation | Kanji | English |
Yubi-waza | yoo-bee wah-zah | 指技 | Finger Techniques |
Morote-nuki-zuki | moh-row-tay new-key zoo-key | 諸手貫突 | Double Spear-hand Thrust |
Nukite-zuki | new-key-tay zoo-key | 貫手突 | Spear-hand Thrust |
Shi-zuki | she zoo-key | 鶏口突 | Chicken Beak Thrust |
Toride-zuki | toh-ree-day zoo-key | 鳥手突 | Bird Hand Strike |
Uchi (Strike)
Japanese | Pronunciation | Kanji | English |
Uchi-waza | oo-chee wah-zah | 打ち技 | Striking Techniques |
Haito-uchi | hi-tow oo-chee | 背刀 打 | Reverse Knife-hand Strike |
Kentsui-uchi | ken-tsu-ee oo-chee, | 拳槌打 | Hammer-fist Strike |
Tettsui-uchi | te-tzoo-ee oo-chee | 鉄槌打 | Iron Hammer Strike |
Kyobu-shuto-uchi | key-oh-boo shoo-tow oo-chee | 胸部手刀打 | Knife-hand Strike (to the chest area) |
Kyobu-morote-shuto-uchi | key-oh-boo moh-row-tay shoo-tow oo-chee | 胸部諸手手刀打 | Double Knife-hand Strike (to the chest area) |
Kyobu-soete-shuto-uchi | key-oh-boo soh-eh-tay shoo-tow oo-chee | 胸部添手手刀打 | Augmented Knife-hand Strike (to the chest area) |
Shuto-uchi | shoo-tow oo-chee | 手刀打 | Knife-hand Strike |
Uraken-uchi | oo-ra-ken oo-chee | 裏拳打 | Backfist Strike |
Ate (Smash)
Japanese | Pronunciation | Kanji | English |
Ate-waza | ah-tay wah-zah | 当技 | Smashing Techniques |
Hiji-ate | hee-jee-ah-tay | 肘当 | Elbow Smash |
Empi Uchi | em-pee oo-chee | 猿臂打 | Elbow Strike |
Hiza-ate | hee-zah-ah-tay | 膝当 | Knee Smash |
Sasae-hiji-ate | sah-sa-eh hee-jee ah-tay | 支肘当 | Supported Elbow Smash |
Teisho | show-tay-ah-tay | 掌底当 | Palm Heal Smash |
Tate-hiji-ate | tah-tay hee-jee ah-tay | 縦肘当 | Upward Elbow Smash |
Ushiro-hiji-ate | oo-shee-row hee-jee ah-tay | 後肘当 | Backward Elbow Smash |
Yoko-hiji-ate | yoh-koh hee-jee ah-tay | 横肘当 | Side Elbow Smash |

Sunset at Dhampus, Nepal. Photograph by James Singh Sensei (2011)