Standing bow (Ritsurei)

It is common knowledge that bowing is customary in Japan. Watching the Japanese bow at any place and any time can appear amusing to our foreign eyes. Conversely, do we find watching people shake hands amusing? In the Western world, we typically offer our hands when we wish to be perceived as showing sincerity. The Japanese prefer to bow. Like the handshake, the bow can convey a salutation, a farewell, or an expression of thanks and gratitude.

The bow, although, is not the exact equivalent of the handshake. Handshakes have little variation, other than length of time and the strength employed. This may tell one very little, other than one or both persons have strong hands. On the other hand, the bow can convey a number of different things to its partakers and observers alike. Various bows have different meanings. As well, the type and level of emotions that may be involved and the nature of the relationship between the persons bowing can be observed. Correct bowing is complex. There are different nuances involved with the type of bow and situation in which it is used. The depth of the bow depends on the relationship between the two people meeting. Bows can range from shallow nods to kneeling bows where one's head touches the floor. This latter bow, however, is seldom practiced or seen these days. As well as replacing the handshake, a bow can replace "thank you", "please" and other commonly used terms of gratitude and respect.

From shizentai stance (natural stance with the feet in shoulder length apart) with your arms and open hands extended on the sides of your body. Explanation given using the illustration below at front viewpoint.


Standing bow guide



Bring right foot inward (hands and arms do not move). There is another method which is not as polite as the method above but it can be done as follow; bring left foot half way in first then bring right foot in to complete.


Make musubi dachi.


Bow by bending from the hips with the upper body straight. Your eye sight goes down to the floor in front of you. Bend down about 30 to 45 degrees. In Japan there are many rules and the degrees of the bowing change depending on the situations. In dojo situation approximately 30 to 45 degrees is proper. It does not need to be any deeper than 45 degrees. An extreme deep bowing (close to 90 degrees) is very rarely done and it is used only in a unique and unusual situations such as apologising in Japan. This is not necessary in dojo situation.  At the same time, the bowing must not be less than 30 degree as it will appear as disrespecting and impolite.


After returning to the erect position, you will bring your right foot outward to make shizentai stance, at the same time you will cross your arms in front of you with your hands now closed.


Bring the fists to your front with a shoulder width apart as you assume shizentai stance.


Standing bow is not too difficult for the westerners and most practitioners perform well with this bowing ritual.

Standing bow (Ritsurei)


Kneeling Bow

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